

This highly immersive movie website was built by Heavenspot for Disney in 2010. During that time, Disney hired me to assist with technical integration and development of the site. For example, the developers at Heavenspot needed a persistent storage medium for the user’s avatar data – which had to fit into Disney’s enterprise infrastructure. Web site traffic was extremely high at Disney (some of the highest on the internet), and the use of CDNs and clouds were critical to keep up with the demands. To solve the problem, the Java devs built a back end service to fit the requirements for performance and security. I built the as3 components to work with that service, and assisted Heavenspot with integrating into the site. I also assisted with restructuring the asset locations for CDN deployment , as well as some promotional projects such as a sweepstakes component.

Before the big site, I worked on making this teaser site which was a placeholder. I took a Flash CS5 demo animation and made it into this interactive version for displaying promotional video and image content.