Panda Jam Ads

The ad that pops up over the Facebook Flash game Panda Jam are actually HTML / CSS / JavaScript / and ActionScript all working together. Panda Jam has over 1 million players world wide and monetizes on each ad shown. Inter-level ads display in between levels of the game and use Adap TV’s JavaScript API. For the Ad Sales team, I programmed it with a complex set of factors of how and when to show ads, such as:

  • no ads until the 2nd round
  • don’t show more than 1 ad within a minute
  • no ads for users who made a purchase in the past
  • no more than two ads per game
  • restrict ads to certain geographic regions determined by Facebook API
  • Ad server errors would get trapped and bypass the ad, so the user would not be affected

These settings were all configurable via an xml and may have changed since. Once the ad completes, the game resumes. Using JQuery and the Adap TV JavaScript API, PlayerIO API, and ActionScript’s External Interface, this system was then integrated into other games.Launch Flash!see it