Although Flash has been deprecated as a web plug in, you may still be able to view Flash content using the Puffin Browser.
For almost a decade, I created and maintained several online portfolios to showcase samples of my work and skills. They served me well in communicating with and self marketing to recruiters and employers.
In most cases it was the same application setup – a PHP web host, a mysql database, HTML and Flash, and AMFPHP flash remoting. It started with an ActionScript 1 (AS1) version in 2005, then an AS2 version in 2006, an AS3 version in 2008, and finally a Flex/AS3 version in 2010.
With the unfortunate decision of Apple to block flash as a web plugin in iOS, I started looking at a new distribution medium for my portfolios and found this (WordPress) to be flexible for all devices. WordPress makes it easy for me to focus on content as I plan to blog about other technologies and programming projects.
If you are on a Flash-enabled device and can see the legacy portfolios, please keep in mind that as this technology gets older, some things will stop working. For example, the flash Google maps API will cease to work in the later part of 2014. Other APIs in the portfolio such as YouTube and Flickr may soon follow. Hopefully the videos in this portfolio blog will preserve the memories:)
- The 3D Carousel on the top left lets you interactively browse and select the portfolio items. Made using PaperVision 3D, and uses images and text from the database.
- Also uses Flex components such as the Accordion and MenuBar.
- When you select an item in the Carousel, it changes to that item in the Accordion, and vice versa. Notice the 3d highlight icon above the selected carrousel item matches the expanded accordion item.
- Launches draggable and close-able windows that transparently overlay each other.
- Full screen mode with the ‘max’ button.
2008 AS3 Portfolio
- icon selector similar to Max OSX dock – icons get larger as you roll over and reposition/resize the others
- random wallpaper on startup
- XML Menu component
- CS3 / Pure AS3 (no Flex)
2006 AS2 Portfolio
- custom search feature using PHP, mysql, and flash
- site registration and login, tracks history of what you viewed
2005 AS1 Portfolio
- A combination of flash and several html pages in frames.
- Showcases content in AS2 and AS1.